Thursday, August 11, 2011


the second oneis a picture of a animation I did

this first one was a video of us actuly drawing

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


with this i took 4 pictures i did in a session and was able to fix them up a little using burning and dodging tools I was impressed this was my first tie using such toold in my photography I will have to play more with them

Final project

Final Project Summery

Map of Alizare the Elven Kingdom of Lyte

            Alizare is a elven kingdom in my role play it is a peaceful kingdom. I am making a map of the kingdom itself to include the castle, hunters Keep, villages, midwife center and healing grounds, medicinal gardens, and the waterways and springs, there will be borders with the different neighboring kingdoms. I will be using some elven writing along with calligraphy to write the names and wording on the map.
            This is going to be my best piece of work because I have put a lot of thought int it. I have spent hours practicing writing the elven alphabet. Watched may videos on how to draw maps and what’s included in them. Most of all it is a project I feel passionate about.
            This piece is important because I enjoy my role play time in the evenings. My kingdom is new and many in the family are excited to have a actual map of the kingdom we role play to. This piece will show my personality with all the brightness and color I will be using with in it.
            I plan on using bright colors, and earthy colors, there will be lots of greens and brown, and blues.
            As far as balance the kingdom is not well balanced there are high mountains on one side and the other moves out to hills and wetlands. My emphasis is on the actual kingdom itself and the different places with in it. There are some flowing patters with the mountain ranges and trees also with in them are some repetition and tree clusters were repeated many times throughout the map.


i am trying to figure how to add the animated stuff

comicbook inking and comic book coloring

tracing and colligraphy

pattern and texture

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

cloning and image hose

nozzle hose was confusing but i got through it
cloning was interesting i used my nephews hands. I took the picture when he was 1 month old

style painting

for this drawing i want back to my childhood when i loved drawing fancy dresses,

color wheel

this was a color filled day !

speed drawing animatoin

I remember doing this but apparently it didn't save

detailed drawings

what a fun day drawing bones lol

speed drawings

this was first day of class very scary i had to draw and we all know i am not the best but i tried my best.